Nohs Points Ranking (2024)

1. Best Owner/Handler Competition Points Ranking

  • The AKC National Owner-Handled Series Points are displayed based on the selected breed and either the qualifying period year or lifetime points.

  • Best Owner/Handler Competition Points Ranking

2. AKC NOHS Point Scale and Ribbon Colors – American Kennel Club

  • AKC NOHS Point Scale and Ribbon Colors ; Owner-Handled Best in Show, 100, Turquoise ; Owner-Handled Reserve Best in Show, 75, Light Green ; Owner-Handled Group 1 ...

AKC NOHS Point Scale and Ribbon Colors – American Kennel Club

3. Owner-Handler Statistics | Canine Chronicle

4. Statistics | Canine Chronicle

  • Owner-Handler Statistics · New-Statistics · Juniors Statistics

  • Placeholder for the statistics page/system.

5. Question of the Week | Dog News

6. SSCA National Owner-Handled Series Conformation Dog of the Year

  • Here is an example of the AKC NOHS Rankings which must be attached to your Award Application form: AKC NOHS ranking form.

  • SSCA - Standard Schnauzer Club of America Owner Handler

7. Top 20 NOHS - - Doberman Pinscher Club of America

  • DPCA members ranked in the top 20 of the NOHS rankings as of July 31 are invited to the NOHS Recognition Event on Monday evening.

  • DPCA members ranked in the top 20 of the NOHS rankings as of July 31 are invited to the NOHS Recognition Event on Monday evening, just prior to the

8. [PDF] Top Twenty Rules and Eligibility – Conformation Invitational

  • In the event a traditionally ranked. Top 20 qualifying dog has earned the highest score, he/she is declared the Top 20 Winner and the highest scoring NOHS-only ...

9. CCAA Conformation Awards - Cane Corso Association of America

  • Points are tracked in accordance with the The National Owner-Handled Series Rankings, as defined by the AKC and reported by The Canine Chronicle. This award is ...

  • The CCAA is pleased to be able to recognize outstanding achievements in the show ring. Below you will find an outline of conformation awards offered to CCAA members.

CCAA Conformation Awards - Cane Corso Association of America
Nohs Points Ranking (2024)


How many points for AKC Nohs Bronze? ›

NOHS Levels of Achievement

What does nohs stand for in AKC? ›

The purpose of the AKC National Owner Handled Series (NOHS) is to recognize and showcase the quality dogs being exhibited by owner/handlers and to provide a venue for the owner/handlers to compete against their peers.

What are the ribbons for AKC winners? ›

Blue ribbons are awarded for first place, red ribbons for second, yellow for third place, and white for fourth.

How many points do you need to be a grand champion in AKC? ›

The American Kennel Club requires a dog to obtain a total of 25 points with three major wins (a major win is worth three points or higher) to become a Grand Champion.

How many points is a major in AKC? ›

Learn more about conformation, here. The American Kennel Club requires a dog to obtain a total of 15 points with two major wins (a major win is worth three points or higher) to become a champion.

What is an award of merit at a dog show? ›

Awards of Merit (AOM): At the discretion of the judge at Westminster, Awards of Merit may be made to recognize the quality of outstanding entries that are not judged to be either BOB / BOV, BOS or SEL.

What does the Nohs do? ›

NOHS works to support all Human Service Professionals in our primary purpose to assist individuals and communities to function as effectively as possible in all major domains of living.

What is better than AKC? ›

The Continental Kennel Club focuses keenly on promoting the health of all breeds through genetic diversity. Unlike the AKC, it maintains an open registry.

Does AKC mean purebred? ›

Kennel Inspections

The AKC is the only purebred dog registry in the United States that maintains a systematic and sustained investigation and inspection effort.

Do AKC winners get money? ›

The Best in Show winner wins $50,000. This show celebrates the heart and soul of the sport of purebred dogs by awarding the AKC Breeder of the Year Award. Seven individuals are honored who have left a great impact on a specific breed.

What is the AKC trick dog title? ›

AKC Trick Dog Performer (TKP) – In this title, handlers perform a short routine with at least 10 tricks with at least 3 tricks using props. See the requirements here. AKC Trick Dog Elite Performer (TKE) – In the highest level of Trick Dog, the Elite Performers perform a routine that has a story/script.

What is a Grand Champion Bronze AKC? ›

Grand Champion Bronze: Any Grand Champion which shall have won 100 Grand Championship points shall become a Grand Champion Bronze (GCHB). Grand Champion Gold: Any Grand Champion which shall have won 400 Grand Championship points shall become a Grand Champion Gold (GCHG).

What is the highest level of AKC obedience? ›

The Obedience Trial Championship (OTCH) title is often referred to as the “PhD” for dogs, is the highest obedience honor a dog can receive. To obtain an OTCH title, a dog and handler team must earn 100 points by placing first, second, third or fourth in the Open B or Utility B class.

How many points is AKC fast? ›

Total points required at each level to qualify: Novice 50 (30 obstacle points + 20 Send bonus = 50), Open 55 (35 + 20), and Excellent 60 (40 + 20). There is no penalty for repeating jumps or tunnels. Weave poles and contacts, however, may only be repeated if faulted.

Is there an app for calculating dog show points? ›

An easy-to-use tool for exhibitors that easily Calculates Champion and Grand Champion points available by breed and division. download iShow Calculator app for iPhone and iPad... The best!

How many points does a dog need to be a UKC champion? ›

To earn a Championship title, a minimum of 100 Championship points and 3 Competition wins awarded under 3 different judges must be earned.

How do dogs qualify for Good Citizen Bronze? ›

The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bronze Award aims to produce a dog that will walk and behave in a controlled manner on the lead, will stay in one position on command, will allow its owner to clean, groom and inspect it, a dog that will walk and behave in a happy natural manner, under control on the lead.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.